Kim and Don

Love you more!
- Details
- Written by: Don Wyatt
- Category: Kim and Don
- Hits: 3769
Ok, so Kim and I play this game that all loving (and slightly annoying ) couples do. One of us says to the other, "I love you"; then the other says "I love you more!" then "I love you 20 times!!" then "I love you more than that!!!" then "I love you infinity times!!!!" then "I love you infinity times plus 4!!!!!" and eventually one of us adds "I WIN!!!!!" and walks away feeling victorious and happy. Well this is my article so I have something for you Kim... ready... here goes:
I WIN!!!!!!!!

Marriage marriages Is what brings us together today!
- Details
- Written by: Kim Erickson
- Category: Kim and Don
- Hits: 3925
From the great movie Princess Bride…."Mawwage. Mawwage is what bwings us togeva today. Mawwage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam."
So excited to be living my dweam with this handsome fellow!

Wedding dress tailor has been decided!
- Details
- Written by: Don Wyatt
- Category: Kim and Don
- Hits: 1641
Looks like Kimie and Don have decided on a wedding dress tailor. Kimie has an appointment for a fitting on 2/4/2023 at 1:30 PM with the "White Fairy". There has been reports that Kimie's Sisters Rachel and Heather will be in attendance at the fitting.